Agreed yes, the idea needs work, as does the implementation. However, trust is a key component without which we are not much more than a dumpster fire.
Co-creation of web pages is now free and so easy, anyone can join in. Now you can win by helping save the planet. But be in the early bird club. It's the number of you joining in with a links+2 page that places pressure on the polluters, join us as a pollinator. P2tp pledge is not asking for subscriptions or membership fees, take the pledge 2 the planet by co-creating a free local Links +2 page on your own Internet web page. Watch the clip on the left. And I thank you deeply and sincerely. These local groups will slowly grow into a valuable asset. sharing links plus links with local friends and affiliates is is cool. Some local groups go further and start Eco-villages that grow hemp which removes co2 from the earths atmosphere.It's your call.