list of Issues - Plus links to some bottom up solutions projects
Originally Posted at SaveNaturefree by Alex Reid in 2008 Up[dated 07/06/2017
All P2TP startup info Kiosks will promote critical issues (see LINKS below) facing humanity Fukushima 10 minutes - inform yourself, Expert Helen Caldicott clearly explains Fukushima WE THE PEOPLE want all politicians to win our vote by addressing the concerns, the election result will favor those who show by action they care about nature and the issues facing humanity by Climate Change and extremism. Corporate interests must adhere to the new laws or seek their exemption from WE THE PEOPLE. List of Concerns and Links ☆ LINKS ☆•*¨*•.¸¸¸.•*¨*•☆ LINKS ☆•*¨*•.¸¸¸.•*¨*•☆ LINKS If you find out of date info or dead end... pleease Message us... box page bottom. thanks. ( Amazon forests You Tube) Animal welfare Fighters against child abuse Australia Biodiversity Sixth Great Extinction Underway now! Toxic stuff in our food Cashless-Society Climate change_UCS Global-Warming- Wikipedia You Tube Climate-Change Clothianidin meat industry: Farming, slaughtering. processing. packaging, and di... Colony Collapse Disorder Honeybees Are Disappearing Education cost Child slavery Endangered species Equal justice access Extremism Food distribution Toxic Chemicals in our home Fluoride AspartameVaccines-Autism-CDC-Now-Admitting-to-Omitting-Vaccine-Study-Data - The Amish don't get autism and they don't Genetic Engineering GMOs over 1200 studies GMOs You Tube >> Seeds Of Death - Full Movie GMO Geneticist David Suzuki Movie Global trade injustice Glyphosate = RoundUp Habitat conservation Hazardous wastes Heavy metals Marine pollution opens PDF file Natural diversity protection New world order Ocean dumping Pesticides tidings 2-4-D Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) Phthalates Perchloroethylene Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Radioactive waste Solar/thermal/power subsidies UK Substance abuse education Teenage SUlClDE PREVENTION Toolkit Google Links Tree clearing Unsafe reactors User pays taxation Vaccine safety Corporate fraud Fukushima Justice for abused children Commission of inquiry Higher education cost Organ harvesting Precautionary Principle Food labeling Incineration hazards Arms Proliferation Commercial fishing North American Forests Ocean environment ` Tags: (POPs), (PVC), Abuse, Amazon, American, Animal, Arms, Atmospheric, Conservation, Cost, More…Diversity, Dumping, Education, Endangered, Engineering, Equal, Fishing, Food, Forests, Fundamentalism, G, Gases, Genetic, Genetically, Global, Globalization, Government, Greenhouse, Habitat, Harvesting, Hazardous, Health, Heavy, Higher, Incineration, Justice, M, Mammals, Modified, Natural, New, North, Nuclear, O's, Ocean, Organ, Organic, Over, Ozone, Perchloroethylene, Persistent, Pesticides, Phthalates, Plutonium, Pollutants, Pollution, Polyvinyl, Power, Precautionary, Principle, Proliferation, Protection, Reactors, Solar, Stamp, Substance, Trade, Tree, World, abused, access, care, children, clearing, cost, costs, crops, distribution, duty's, ecosystems, education, environment, food, for, hazards, injustice, justice, labeling, layer, order, pays, species, stockpiling, subsidies, taxation, testing, unsafe, warming, wastes, world |
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Artiest impression A planting micro investment is helping the sustainable hemp and solar project develop into a value enterprise for the micro investors responding here. I want our investors to benefit from our work converting atmospheric co2 locking it into plant based products.
Don't delay email the administrator for info on zoom sessions at [email protected] or you can fill in the contact form below. Tax deductions for carbon negative industry is being negotiated with the Government in Australia Canada and the US so expect to see improving rates of return. Next year at a date to be announced a film documentary will be show the factory construction and first planting. Small green investors Staying in the loop for updates. There is going to be a lot of interest. I chat on zoom. |