![]() Deep pocket environment investors will beat you to the gem if they find this link before you, I am going to update this event when that happens, I will post the link here to another blog. Image: links to the hemp invest page. Lump sum is a legitimate broker consideration business expense. in this case 80,000AU dollars
To get our hemp factory up and running is the plan. There are three important steps to complete before we start.
![]() Big Tax concessions and Lump suns (2% of $4M) for broker are in place to assist the plan development. The accountants will rewrite this plan anyway, This outline will provide the team ground work for our intended path forward. Our future Partner/s will provide the project seed capital of four million AU dollars. Without trust we are wasting our time and yours, just like ai, real humans make errors, so we triple check the calculations, ai intelligence will assist with the suggestions as I am not all that brilliant, however always looking to improve with building trust. Responding to help with our climate crisis and finding deep pocket investors is what makes this cool offer possible, I will cut to the chase... 3 main points found in this sooooCool offer
I pledge I will reward the broker handsomely who loves our high sustainability green values with a 2% consideration of the 4 million venture, That's exactly 80,k Those who click the links to learn more and do due diligence. Our trust online is greater than many of the platforms passing poorly researched comments. ask your copilot for a summery. A better return than most property markets can offer. The lump sum you receive for connecting up developer and investor would get you you a nice EV. Money is the tool with which we can help reduce the Greenhouse Effect I am about to come out of retirement because of climate change. I'm a jack of all trades soon to be hemp farmer. Production and marketing of hemp products will be one of the major focus goals, I intend to tweak the blend of fiber and resin in some cool furniture products. include biodegradable non-toxic hemp oil polymer products, Highly sort after decorative heat resistant screen panels and products for the home and garden. Projected net incomes, without sales data is not available. These figures therefor are based on industry averages. USDA estimated gross annual revenue (per acre) of industrial hemp farms to be between us$2,443 to $25,682 Some crops will be better than others, due mainly to weather events beyond our control however we can plant almost 3 crops a year and removing CO₂ is a great idea. 25 acre's are ready to plant on the property, currently growing sugar cane 25 X 20k = an estimated half a million a year split for investor and developer. I will confidently estimate that both our value added building panel products and cold pressed organic seed oil will return excellent margins, When our silent partner investment co-owner is onboard with a minimum 4 Million we will get on with the 10 year costing analysis assessed by small business accounting experts. Our 10 year prediction could exceed 2 million each. Add to that what ever Governments tax concessions the investor is entitled to for sustainable industry investing. Tax incentives; The federal government’s recognition of hemp as a legal material officially allows growers, manufacturers, and distributors to tap into the many cash flow opportunities offered through the research and development tax credit. The official plan will take time but rest assured it can be fast tracked with a broker incentive not seen everyday. I'll be back later with more ideas and pics. ![]() Killing Sadness is my first story in a trilogy, a personal acount of struggle and hope that zeros in on the heart of problems that plague our happiness level. Some will say you can not kill sadness as it must be endured to fore-full some esoteric learning experance, valid reasoning up to a point. In the story below you will learn how free will is a cool tool without over doing the woo woo. Cutting to the chase, Even short meditations help us define higher thought cognitive capacity, once the art of meditation has been developed. A big key to establishing deeper meaningful values, as intelligent human beings, I am including this in my first submission. Google "medatation breathing and unfocusing techniques". Previewing Sadness is a temporary thing, however considering it's depth and/or duration are variables under the influence of reaction to real world events, we may have ways of channeling the energy along other pathways. I was getting sad thinking climate change, it could end our species, but then I found hundreds of people working on solutions. I am not quite so sad. I rediscovered the value of 1 on 1 communication with like-minded peers via Enlivening-edge. and the Global challenges groups. Valuable connections are being made that make it true what they say about action/s exercise works wonders on more than just mussel groups. it kills sadness. It also helps with brain disorders and mental health struggles that are silently sweeping the nation. Every day, more individuals experience anxiety, ADD/ADHD, depression, or other brain-related conditions that cause unbearable suffering. So continue to see the secret here below. For the suicidal reader, it will reduce the chance of choosing a permanent solution, (no undo) to a temporary problem. When I was around 24, I discovered I was drinking way too much on almost every weekend and often during the week. I would wake up from a blackout with no memory of how I got home. sadly. It took a few more years then in Mosman north Sydney in 1982 I was introduced to AA. I could not get the 12 steps of recovery from alcoholism to work very well for me, until years of failure led me to rethinking my values. I was clinging to my atheism, even after acknowledgement of powers greater than myself existing all around me. However to my surprise, letting go was the missing skill or key to puzzle of a meaningful existence. What exactly did I have to Let go of? My scientifically valid analysis of Psychology? no, oh yeah, open a rabbit hole of metaphysics with the red or blue pill. Nope I wanted to get well, and I was hearing the same message over and over that the steps work. The issue was my science background conflicting with the idea of religious concepts and supreme beings. Research I conducted personally into alcohol addiction and its effect on my decision making ability was cause for concern, to put it mildly. I decided, after a few more attempts that I would "fake it till you make it" as the sign on the AA room said. An insight came one day after meditating for a while, then asking the universe God of my understanding, for knowledge of his will for me, (her if you prefer) Calling good orderly direction (God) my God or a power greater than myself, "OK I’m ready, what is it?... What is your will for me?... I waited.... and waited…. nothing? deafening silence?. I was not going to get a reply. It was about this moment of giving up thinking he thinks I'm not ready, came this voice from the universe saying “what do you want? Well knock me down with a feather, it's free will foe me to decide. If I do the will of others, it's not free will. Thanks to the new Good Orderly Direction, for allowing me to decide which path leads to a higher thoughts quality value to truth, empathy and morality. In the second Book I share about the confidence boost after getting out of prison, With strangers calling you a legend, wow. I later won my bicycle helmet court case in Cairns after getting a serous skin cancer to help those suspicion's gain momentum. Alexander Reid Author, Product design, https://Green-Lump-sum.org/ Marketing hemp products. Broker opportunity link... https://www.links-plus2.com/for-investors.html Stage 1 business plan for manufacturing hemp building blocks, panels and seed oil products. A full version is under development and will be available to interested investors soon. For transparency investors will have access to monthly account bank statements and invoices. I am almost ready to enlist the accounting and legal advice needed to get the business plan completed correctly. Hemp production certificates are required, but we can seen no significant barriers to getting these permits to grow Industrial hemp. Get the latest news updates by posting the form contact form below. If investors can not be contacted the startup costs will have to come from my book sales . ![]() What sounds exciting, looks inspiring, and clearly has some preparation, will help pull your desired audience into the conversation. Communication skill is not something most of us are great at, Master the communication skill. Owners of non-profit charity or co-creators open projects, such as your Links-plus2.com (plug) cloud page, which will be moving up a level when you join in a free Links-Plus2 cloud. The project or concern you have will need to be communicated in such a way that the followup action is added to the list of things to do. There are skills one can learn that will take communication to the next level. Watch as Tim Pollard unpacks why and how most communication goes wrong and presents a powerful tool for the design of world-class communication. https://youtu.be/vF450xjAi3g |
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