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breath deeply in through the nose...
Hold it for a moment,... let it out slowly, through the mouth... Repeat a few times ... Relax The story begins below the Gaia clip and pics. *•.¸¸¸.•*``*•.¸¸¸.•*``*•.¸¸¸.•*``*•.¸¸¸.•*``*•.¸¸¸.•* Where Religion came from? Updated June 2017 I am not an expert on Religion, and this is no academic lecture, I think what we can all agree on however is that the truth, however stark it appears, is more important than old traditions, in dire need of reform. We are not in a simulation, least not one we can program from outside,hint hint. Thank you for all the feedback, we use it often. Religion developed over many thousands of years. Before it became established in groups, somewhere between 2 and 10 thousand years ago, it was just stories told. Mom's, Dad's and village Elders would tell stories in the evening as children gathered round near the village fire. Chat and messenger pages were not available in those times but the message would be communicated with tech they had. In many parts of India, and other eastern countries fantastically elaborate stories developed of multi headed gods and multi headed monsters, indeed language scholars studying the earliest Sanskrit texts have concluded that many of these old texts where concocted bedtime stories handed down form generation to generation. Many of the preserved text contain poetry like passages describing ritual practices, spells, witchcraft magic and devils. So we ask, how did these come about? Children ask questions a lot, they are little knowledge vacuums. One of the most frequent questions children ask is... what will I get for Christmas? lol, no "What happens when you die?" Parents and carers wanting them to be good, would often tell them something like this, If you have been a good, always doing what your told, you go to a beautiful, wonderful haven somewhere up in the clouds. A place where you never have to work, you never go hungry and never get sick, never feel pain. Of course you would not know it was good, to you it would appear at the time to be par for the course. A place where you can play all day and have fun all the time and lots of adventure. If however you have been a bad boy or girl you're going to be sorry. You will go to a terrifying place with no doors, no toys. Lots of hideous snakes and frightening monsters, and burn there in pain for eternity. Or words to that effect. Of coarse there where many variations, many describing frightening hideous monsters. Now most of us suffer cognitive dissonance upon having long held beliefs overturned and will attempt to dismiss the truth, examine how this feeling resta in the heart. If one can find the few minutes each day to meditate by focusing one's mind for a period of time on the now, and the breath deeply, in a quite spot or with just the sounds of nature, as a method of relaxation. then seek truth honestly in the cave of your heart, the inner light of intelligence may begin to shine you may begin to comprehend how this story telling with the questions and answers, (going on for thousands of years in dozens of separated cultures,) resulted in Religious belief's evolving as children grow up with these ideas embedded in the hearts and minds. So... I have a place where one can learn from the teachings of the worlds most enlightened professors of theology at... The repaired old secret. Over the years I have collected a large folder of images from the web Here are a few you may like... I believe we all have a reason for being alive and it has to involve what we can do for others less fortunate and how well we treat others irrespective of what they believe. Note: Violence has no place in Religious fellowships and when apparent in a following (religious or otherwise) only serves to exposes the following as cult worship. Debate on this issue is welcome but futile. *¨*•.¸¸¸.•*¨*UNITY-is-the-solution*¨*•.¸¸¸.•*¨* Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
Is Religion Man-Made? How Did Religion Start? The Evolution of Belief (2006) - - - - - - - - - - - fun·da·mental·ism Right at this moment you have two choices... smile and close this page, - - - or pass this along to someone else to share the lesson. when people take action to be the change it invigorates the community. Together at this network we can make a small difference just by being counted in. click and enjoy Rewards still available but numbers limited. We think of this movement more as complementary than competitor. Start your own small fee-LESS local solutions group with your favorite drag and drop cloud page builder or Weebly websites or site-builder of your choice you can use Facebook groups if you prefer. I invite you to go back and read The New Secret Sensational and free ` If you have ever bullied someone just think about this, Bullying others is like walking around with a neon sign above your head that reads "I am below average intelligence" Author
Alexander Reid I also look after and Worked at Vaiscope and
1 Comment
10/6/2018 04:55:39
Alex, is it you writing this? It is nor cleas to me because there is no mane under the title AUTHOR.
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